Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Practice Of Mindfulness

    Mindfulness Meditation is a fundamental approach to meditation. This video offers clear direction and guidance to learning the basic technique of Mindfulness Meditation. It is shared from Dr Jill with her warmest gratitude for your focus. https://youtu.be/mgxXJi3LQ3w

  • Balancing The 5 Elements

    Take a journey through Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space to release fear, attachments, anger, desire and guilt and receive joy, contentment, enthusiasm, flow, and confidence. Use for healing body, mind, and spirit. Features music and graphics by CC Long and guided imagery by Dr. Jill Henry. Approximately 15 min. long

  • 10 Minute Chakra Tune Up

    10 Minute Rainbow Tune-Up with Music by Charles Henry, M.S., Voice by Jill N. Henry, Ed.D is designed for those who say they would like to meditate but they just don’t have time. Gentle guided imagery over an ascending note musical mantra leads the mind on a walk through the color and energy centers (chakras)…