Taking Time to Balance Your 5 Elements for Well Being

Taking Time to Balance Your 5 Elements for Well Being

By Jill N. Henry, Ed.D. 
8/4/2024 based on Well-Being, Llewellyn Publishers

The concept of the 5 Elements, which forms the basis of our physical and mental presence, has been a cornerstone in various traditions throughout history, such as Feng Shui, Ayurveda, Native American, and Pagan practices. These elements play a crucial role in our daily lives and overall well-being.

Drawing from my 15 years of experience in Polarity Therapy, I’ve developed a profound understanding of the importance of maintaining balance among these elements. As the time of balance between light and dark approaches, I offer these insights for your well-being.

Consider the last time you were in a group setting and see if you can identify each element in action:

  • Ether: Sue sat quietly, observing from a distance. Someone even called her “spacey.” Her Ether element was strong, as she held space for others.
  • Air: Joe was quick and alert, generating many ideas. Sometimes he was a great inspiration, but at other times, he seemed to be full of hot air.
  • Fire: Jack was a go-getter and risk-taker, often suggesting creative projects. His fiery nature made him quick-tempered, direct, and aggressive.
  • Water: Mary used her deep, intuitive senses to gauge how everyone felt. Her Water element focused on the emotional flow within the group.
  • Earth: Joyce came up with practical ways to implement the group’s ideas. She was solid, dependable, and down-to-earth.

To achieve our goals in life, we need a blend of all five elements in balance. If an element is weak, focus on strengthening it. If an element is too strong, consider balancing it with the others. Here are some examples:

  • Too much Anger (Fire): Calm with Air, strengthen Water and Earth.
  • Too many ideas but no concrete results (Air): Strengthen Earth.
  • Feeling stuck (Earth): Strengthen Air and Water.
  • Feeling anxious (Air): Strengthen Water and Ether.
  • Feeling constricted (Ether): Strengthen Water and Air.
  • Feeling too emotional (Water): Strengthen Earth and Air.

Below are the attributes of each of the 5 Elements and quick techniques to balance them:

Ether – Space

  • Balanced: Connection with spirit
  • Unbalanced: Grief and regret
  • Dis-ease: Joint problems, sinus issues, throat and hearing problems, expression difficulties
  • Food for the Soul: Meditation and peak experiences
  • Ways to Strengthen Ether: Meditate with complete focus on the present, repeat the sound “A,” carry moonstone, turquoise, or blue agate.

Air – East, Moving, Invigorating

  • Balanced: Compassion, love
  • Unbalanced: Desire, judgment
  • Dis-ease: Circulatory problems, heart and lung issues, gas, exhaustion, shallow breathing, numbness, pain
  • Food: Highest above ground (fruits and nuts)
  • Ways to Strengthen Air: Meditate by sensing your breath, feel the wind, repeat the sound “E,” carry aventurine, peridot, or rose quartz.

Fire – South, Purifying, Intense

  • Balanced: Enthusiasm
  • Unbalanced: Anger, resentment
  • Dis-ease: Ulcers, liver problems, eye problems, sleep disturbances, skin issues, digestive problems
  • Food: Higher above ground (corn, wheat, rice, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peas, beans)
  • Ways to Balance Fire: Meditate by staring into an open flame or candle, imagine a volcano erupting, be enthusiastic, repeat the sound “I,” carry citrine, amber, or yellow agate.

Water – West, Flowing, Changing

  • Balanced: Letting go
  • Unbalanced: Attachment
  • Dis-ease: Breast problems, sexual organ issues, allergies, pelvic problems, low back pain, foot issues
  • Food: Near the ground (cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, strawberries, green vegetables)
  • Ways to Balance Water: Meditate by sitting near a river, lake, stream, or ocean, imagine swimming or floating, let go, repeat the sound “O,” carry pearl or carnelian.

Earth – North, Grounded, Solid

  • Balanced: Courage
  • Unbalanced: Fear
  • Dis-ease: Osteoporosis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck tension, obesity
  • Food: Underground (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, herb roots)
  • Ways to Balance Earth: Meditate by walking barefoot, gardening, imagining going into a cave, slowing down, repeat the sound “U,” carry ruby or smoky quartz.