Category: More about Everything

  • “Youthen” Your Body and Mind: Dance to the Music

    “Youthen” Your Body and Mind: Dance to the Music

    “Youthen” Your Body and Mind: Dance to the Music By Jill N. Henry, Ed.D. 10/25/2024 based on Well-Being, Llewellyn Publishers I usually have frequency music playing, or classical, or something else soothing and peaceful. The other afternoon I was working on my computer and suddenly felt like moving. I put on Credence Clearwater Revival, turned up…

  • The Path of Least Resistance aka Going down the Rabbit Hole and Waiting to Know

    The Path of Least Resistance aka Going down the Rabbit Hole and Waiting to Know

    The Path of Least Resistance aka Going down the Rabbit Hole and finding Treasure I’ve made a commitment this year to follow the path of least resistance. To trust Spirit to guide me along the way. This is different from my normal planning and worrying. From my “to do” list and feeling guilty for what I’ve not…